
This API is for the note-taking app Reflect.

It supports appending data to your notes, returning a list of the links you've bookmarked, and a few other things.

We don't have any official bindings, we suggest just making https requests in your language of choice.


You'll notice that all of the note-related endpoints are write-only (well, to be precise, they're append only). This is because your notes contents are end-to-end encrypted. Our servers can't read the contents of your notes, so we can't serve them up in the API.

OAuth authentication

For authentication, we support OAuth. You will need to create credentials here. You'll have to do this even if you are only building a client for yourself. We do, however, support generating an access token from that interface - which essentially equivalent to an API key.

We do support OAuth's PKCE extension which means you can build a client to Reflect without shipping secret keys around.

You will need to pass the access token you get along with every API request, like this:

curl 'https://reflect.app/api/graphs' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'